What are the opportunities and challenges of building Web 3.0 applications? How can we enable non-blockchain developers? How can decentralized infrastructure enable a wide range of use cases from wikipedia, home security, PPE exchange, secure chat, AI, all the way to longevity of NFT?

On April 27th 2021, NKN successfully hosted the second Web 3.0 Tech Talk – Apps & Devs. We were joined by CTOs and tech leads from Bluzelle, IoTeX, IPFS, NKN, STORJ, and TAXA. These industry veterans share their experience and insights into these curious questions over a 90 minutes of lively presentation and panel Q&A with the audience.

This webinar will focus on building modern applications that leverage web 3.0 technology and decentralized infrastructure. We have a strong speaker lineup consisting of CTO/Tech Lead from: Bluzelle, IoTeX, IPFS, NKN, Storj, and Taxa.

Included will be an Introduction and short overview of the state of web 3.0 infrastructure and applications runs on them, followed by 6 featured speakers (5-10 min/ea) sharing their experience in building apps on their products and solutions. The remaining time will be opened up for questions by the audience or pre-submitted online before the event.