Hello Community,
Good news!!!
Our testnet v0.3 will be published at the end of August and testnet experimental mining is coming soon as well. In order to help community understand more about our mining procedures, a NKN mining animation video has been published on our Youtube channel already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL9NrLUeoUw&feature=youtu.be).
Mining video file link on Google Drive:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C9vPKvYTDB0jAKxzME1EFCvWiOig_7bO/view?usp=sharing
We are seeking for the translation talents and rewards will be given if you provide the accurate translation into multi-language. E.g. Chinese,Russian, Korean, Japanese, German, Spanish, Vietnamese,Thai etc.
Join us and show your beautiful language and talented translation skills!
If you are interested, please read more details as follows:
Phase I (Aug 4–9th)
- PM @NKNrobot with following command: /twitter to sign up in Telegram (https://t.me/nknorg).
- Follow NKN official twitter:@NKN_ORG
- Make your transcript and upload it to either NKN Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/nknblockchain) or your own Medium post and then Twitter the according link and @NKN_ORG before Aug 9th. If you upload both video and transcript, you will get doubled points as award.
- Choose your own language, included but not limited within Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Thai.
Phase II (Aug 10–14th)
Vote for your transcript on Twitter: Invite your friends, neighbors, families to “like” or “comments” on your tweet.
Phase III( Aug 15th-17th)
Judge weighing of your transcripts
- Total number of Twitter “likes” and “comments”: 60%
- NKN team scores: 40%
Phase IIII(Aug 18th)
Reward & points (Total: 300,000 points)
Best Popularity Award: Each language’s Top 1 who gets most “likes” will get the reward (Percentage of total reward: 25%)
Best Active Award: Each language’s Top 1 who gets most “likes” will get the reward(Reward percentage: 25%).
Participation Award: Anyone in community who registers the activity and completes the task will get the reward(Reward percentage: 25%).
Your points will be updated on Aug 18.
General Rules:
— In case any spamming or manipulation in the form of fake account details, etc. is found, NKN Community Management Team will disqualify the participant, who will not be eligible for any rewards in the future. All rights are reserved by NKN Team to revise the rules and regulations at any given time. (Google translation is prohibited.)
— The rewards will be distributed to the participants and participants can check their points by clicking @NKNrobot /my account.
— You will be able to redeem the points (100:1 points to NKN ratio) at any time once you reached the minimum redeem threshold of 3,000 points. Please do remember to reply your NEO address to @NKNrot/my account to add your address in our system.
Thanks for your support!
Why join NKN?
NKN is the new kind of network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by blockchain for an open, decentralized, and shared Internet. We motivate users to share network connections, service providers to utilize unused bandwidth, and developers access to global peer to peer networking stack.
NKN’s goal is to revamp the $1.4 trillion communication business, where we face many challenges today such as inefficient resource utilization, lack of net neutrality, and centralized network control. By blockchainizing the network layer, NKN is providing the missing third pillar of internet infrastructure just as Ethereum has done for compute and ipfs for storage. Our core technical innovations are dynamic routing, Proof of Relay, highly scalable consensus, and token reward mechanism.
NKN is founded by Yanbo Li, former co-founder of Onchain and advised by Dr. Whitfield Diffie, the father of modern public key cryptography and 2015 Turing Award winner. NKN core team members come from Ex-Google, Qualcomm, Nokia, Amazon, and Baidu.
Email: contact@nkn.org
Telegram: https://t.me/nknorg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NKN_ORG
Medium: https://medium.com/nknetwork
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nknetwork/
Github: https://github.com/nknorg