- An NKN Odyssey: A Billion Nodes with Dr. Zhang
- Community shows 6x improvement when using nCDN
- New Kind of Proposal #16, 17, 19 to enhance d-chat
- Happy Thanksgiving from NKN
- NKNxVanity: Create Custom NKN Wallet Addresses
- nStatus.org 1 Update
- Upcoming Video AMA with core team
Mainnet technical development updates
Latest Mainnet Stats December 30th, 2019:
42 countries & regions
251 ISPs or cloud providers
17758 full consensus nodes
NKN mainnet code development progress over the last two weeks is mainly reflected in nknd, documentations, and nkn-java-sdk public repositories and different branches, as well as NKN mobile app and ncdn related private repositories.
- Pull Request: 21
- Commits: 35
The latest stable release for mainnet is v1.1.1-beta
(https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases )
A NKN Odyssey: A Billion Nodes with Dr. Zhang
“Let me be explicit: the current NKN node code, without any modification, will work with one billion full nodes without any problem.” On November 21st, The daily Chain published an interview with NKN CTO, Yilun Zhang. The interview covers NKN’s unique MOCA (Majority vOte Cellular Automata) consensus and ability to scale to Billions of nodes.
According to Dr. Zhang, “NKN is the only project I know that provides a ready-to-use decentralized data transmission network, and it’s also the largest blockchain network with 20k+ full consensus nodes, and can further scale horizontally to any size.”
The article also shares new services that are built on this highly scalable platform including: nCDN, P2P messaging and Pub/Sub, and TUNA. Read the full article here.
Community shows 6x improvement when using nCDN
We have received strong interest in using NKN’s New Kind of Content Delivery, nCDN, service over the past few weeks. Special thanks to community member Tom, who recently tested nCDN on his own website using a 4MB download and reported a 6x performance improvement!
dotcom-tools page load benchmark results (less is better):
- Without nCDN: 3200ms / 2300ms (first/second visit)
- With nCDN: 580ms / 260ms (first/second visit)
New Kind of Proposal #16, 17, 19 to enhance d-chat
To find out more about this NKP or the latest updates on past proposals check out our Master Thread.
[NKP-0016] Client side pub/sub permission control
This NKP proposes a pub/sub permission control mechanism that can be implemented purely on the client side. It will be backward compatible, and do NOT require changes to the NKN core blockchain software.
- each group has an owner
- owner decides who can join the group (everyone, whitelist, or blacklist)
- members can be removed by owner from the group
- only group members can send messages to the group
[NKP-0017] Cached message timelining
The hope of this NKP is to improve/change the way in which nodes relay their cached messages when they detect the client coming online.
[NKP-0019] — Add client side ping pong message for websocket keepalive
New Kind of Proposal (NKP) #19 was published on November 27th, and proposes adding a special keep alive message to help Dapps like D-Chat and nshell detect lost connections.
Happy Thanksgiving from NKN
We are truly thankful for our community, friends, partners, miners, developers, and customers. Stay warm and healthy, enjoy good food, family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving day 2019!
Community contributions
NKNxVanity: Create Custom NKN Wallet Addresses
From the makers of the popular community built NKNx node and wallet tracker, comes NKNxVanity. NKNxVanity is an open source tool that uses your web browser to generate NKN vanity addresses. Add a name or a favorite slogan to your custom NKN address. Any address generated with NKNxVanity is 100% mainnet compatible, which means you can use it like an ordinary wallet. The wallet file is 100% compatible with every NKN web wallet as well with NKNxVault Desktop app.
nStatus Update
NKN community built node checker, nStatus. has been updated and is available at http://nstatus.org . Thanks to community developer Mutsi for your great work. Using the tool, you can input a node IP address and quickly find out its status, neighbors, and relay performance.
Upcoming Video AMA with core team
NKN core team will conduct another video AMA with community, on December 12th. In the meantime, please send in your questions on this forum post:
Upcoming Video AMA with Core Team
About NKN
NKN is the new kind of P2P network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by a novel public blockchain. We use economic incentives to motivate Internet users to share network connection and utilize unused bandwidth. NKN’s open, efficient, and robust networking infrastructure enables application developers to build the decentralized Internet so everyone can enjoy secure, low cost, and universally accessible connectivity.
Email: contact@nkn.org
Telegram: https://t.me/nknorg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NKN_ORG
Forum: https://forum.nkn.org
Medium: https://medium.com/nknetwork
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nknetwork/
Github: https://github.com/nknorg
Discord: https://discord.gg/yVCWmkC
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/NKNORG